A Call for a New Order: The Rise of a New Breed of Women and the Quest for Power in Mawugbe’s In the Chest of a Woman
Ayélé Fafavi d’ALMEIDA
The various forms of injustice suffered by women and their lack of self-fulfilling opportunities can lead them to
insanity and all sorts of crippling diseases. Efo Kodjo Mawugbe has shown understanding and sincerity in
portraying a female character as an active heroine exhibiting her willingness to overthrow unfairness when it
comes to women’s rights. The playwright skillfully deploys his sense of feminism by questioning the
unfairness of tradition regarding women and their means to overcome the weight of it. This tradition put into
place by men in patriarchal societies can be unmade by the same men. Taking Mawugbe’s In the Chest of a
Woman as a role model of women’s quest for power, this essay argues how they can go to greater lengths –
including their self-mutilation – in their quest for power for gender equity’s sake.
Key words: Body representation, obsession, power, tradition, oppression.
1 (11 - 2024)